Yesterday was my last work day of 2022.

It’s been an exciting year, leading my own team doing accessibility work.

I’ve learned a lot, and hopefully improved the product for even more users than before.

Now it’s time for good food and games. Lots of games!

I used to program in Ruby a lot 10 to 15 years ago. The last couple of years it has become less so.

It’s a language I really like, so yesterday I picked up the latest version of the Pickaxe Book.

Time to figure out what has changed since 2016. 📚

The fact that Netflix is not part of the TV app on Apple TV, made me forget Netflix in the end.

Some months later I did not renew Netflix.

It’s been months now and I haven’t really missed it. And that’s the power of the TV app. 📺

It occurred to me the other day that I hardly ever buy a license for software anymore. It’s all become subscriptions.

Just one good old license so far in 2022. 💾

The Figure HTML element.

The figure HTML element represents self-contained content, potentially with an optional caption.

Source: MDN

I’m so happy that Halloween is becoming more and more accepted in Norway.

Even in the office more and more get dressed up for the occasion.
